Sunday, February 5, 2012

Homemade Lasagna

Sorry for the long spell in between recipes but I am back with a super delicious recipe.  One of the hardest or time consuming meals to make is homemade lasagna.  Most people tend to shy away from making this sort of thing because it takes so long to make and can be tricky for beginners, I know because I use to be one of them but this recipe is simple and easy and can be made up the night before and thrown in the oven after work. 

1 13x9 baking dish
1lb of lasagna noodles
1lb of ground beef, or turkey
1lb of ricotta cheese
1 16 oz jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce
2-3 cloves of garlic
3 lg eggs
1 tsp of basil
1 ½ lbs. of mozzarella cheese
¼ cup of shredded parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
EVOO (extra virgin Olive oil)

In a medium size mixing dish mix your ricotta cheese  1 clove of garlic, basil, parmesan cheese,  three eggs , and your salt and pepper. Place in fridge till you need it.
In a pan boil your water for your noodles you can add 1tsp of olive oil to prevent the noodles from sticking and follow box directions. Than lay your noodles out on the counter to dry.
In a medium to large frying pan brown up your meat adding the 2 clove of garlic. After your meat is browned than you’re going to add in your sauce and let simmer for about ten to fifteen minutes.  
Now it’s time to start preparing your lasagna
Take your ricotta cheese mixture out of the fridge. Line everything up so that you have easy access to it. You are than going to take your sauce and put a thin layer of sauce on the bottom of your greased 13x9 baking dish. Then add one layer of noodles. (they can overlap) On top of your noodles do a layer of the ricotta mixture, more sauce and some of the mozzarella cheese. Repeat these steps adding a large amount of cheese over the top of your lasagna.
You are going to cook this for about 45 minutes covered with tinfoil and cook the last 15 minutes uncovered than serve and enjoy.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Haven't been around in a while so I thought that there was no time like the present to share a new recipe with everyone. One of the most basic things that we tend to cook with is chicken and for me and my family it seems like we are always cooking it the same way so tonight i decided that it was time to shake things up a little. So chicken Cordon Bleu was on the menu somethng that was brand new for me to try today. The best part about this recipe is that it was delicous and simple. It is always important to remember that you want your chicken to be done be for serving it, Always cook longer if you are unsure about it being done.

Meat Mallet
13 X 9 baking dish
3 medium size bowls
4-5 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
2 eggs
¼ cup of milk
Salt and pepper
½ cup flour
1 cup of bread crumbs (more or less just eyeball it)
5-10 slices of ham sliced thin
8-10 slices of Swiss or provolone cheese sliced thin

Preheat oven to 350
Spray your baking dish with a cooking spray so that your chicken won’t stick. (You can even line it with tin foil first for easier clean up).
Using your meat mallet pound your chicken to about 1/2 -1/4 in thickness. Salt and pepper both sides of the chicken then begin assembly.  Place 1 to 2 slices of ham on the chicken then on top of that place 2 pieces of cheese, then roll the chicken and secure in place with a tooth pick if needed. in a medium size bowl put your two eggs and milk mixture, in a second bowl your flour and in a third bowl your bread crumbs. Dip the chicken in the flour, then in the egg and milk mixture, finally coating it in your bread crumbs. ( if you used toothpicks to secure your chicken they are hard to get out after your done cooking so warn your guest or family to look out for them). Bake for 1 hour or until the insides are no longer pink and the juices run clear. Serve and enjoy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quck and Delicous Baked Mostaccioli

It seems like every week we are making the same old foods and get into a rut when we want something different but can’t think of new things to make.  Well sometimes all it takes is a new twist on an old favorite or taking a regular every week recipe and spice it up. One of my family’s favorites is spaghetti and as delicious as that is sometimes I just get sick of eating it because it is always the same thing.  So tonight I thought that I would turn our normal blah spaghetti dinner and go in a different direction. The best part about his recipe is that you can make it up the night before and then when you get home from work you throw it in the oven and have a delicious and filling meal.  

Penne Pasta 1 box
1lb of ground beef
1 clove of garlic
1 ½ jars of your favorite spaghetti sauce
1 clove of garlic
Salt and pepper
Onion powder

Night before you serve this meal-
In a large skillet heat up a little olive oil and add garlic. Brown your hamburger while you are also boiling your water for your noodles. After browning your hamburger you’re going to place it in the uncooked spaghetti sauce.  To the sauce add a little salt, pepper, basil and onion powder and set aside till your noodles are done. Now take your casserole dish and begin to put together your dish. Begin with a layer of your meat sauce then a layer of cheese and another layer of noodles doing this until your dish is full and ingredients are gone.  Cover and place in the fridge until ready cook.

Day of-
Preheat your oven to 350 and place the dish uncovered in the oven for 20-25 minutes until cheese on top is golden and serve.

That’s right it is that simple I also recommend buying your favorite garlic bread and throw that in the oven when you have about ten minutes left and serving it alongside your meal for the perfect American take on Italian dinner.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cooking made quick and easy!: Buffalo Chicken Sliders: The right way to do Sunda...

Cooking made quick and easy!: Buffalo Chicken Sliders: The right way to do Sunda...: Sunday is a day not only for rest and prayer but a day for delicious foods! I remember growing up and looking forward to Sunday Family dinne...

Buffalo Chicken Sliders: The right way to do Sunday night football dinners.

Sunday is a day not only for rest and prayer but a day for delicious foods! I remember growing up and looking forward to Sunday Family dinners. As a kid it was the one night a week that we always made sure to sit down as a family and have great food and good conversations. Though as the years went on and my sister and I got older like all things Sunday dinners slowly went away. Since I am getting older and cooking I say it is time to bring Sunday dinners back but with a twist.  Instead of the traditional Sunday dinner with the long tedious cooking let’s do a Sunday night football party dinner! Let’s make some fun easy and delicious foods and sit down with are family and friends have some good eats, great conversation and watch are favorite team kick some butt on the field! So starting today and every Sunday I will try and give you a good Sunday football dinner recipe.   I think that I am going to start this Sunday night dinner off with a recipe for some buffalo chicken sliders!  Since I am a huge fan of buffalo wings and spicy food these are great sandwiches for me but there are a lot of people out there who don’t like or cannot eat hot foods so use this same recipe but substitute your favorite barbeque sauce, or take some A1 steak sauce and try it that way as well.
4-6 chicken breast cut in half or quarters
1 ½ sticks of butter
¼ cup of hot sauce
Salt and pepper
1 tsp. of garlic salt
½ stick of butter
Little extra hot sauce
Hawaiian rolls

Let’s start by preheating your oven to 350.  Take the chicken breast and cut them in half or quartered depending on how small you want your sliders to be.  Now that we have done that lets add a little seasoning directly to the breast. Now I like to use salt, pepper and a little garlic salt but you can use whatever seasonings that you would like.  Set aside your seasoned and cut chicken and grab a medium to large microwave safe bowl.  In this bowl place the sick of butter and throw it in the microwave until completely melted. Then add your hot sauce again I use ¼ to ½ cups of hot sauce but use as little or much as you would like. Now you have homemade buffalo sauce. Now take your chicken and coat it in the buffalo sauce and place on a cookie sheet that is lined with well sprayed tin foil. Place them in the oven until they are completely white in the middle. (30-60 minutes).  Remove from the oven and let stand for about five minutes.  Now go ahead and make some more of that delicious buffalo sauce mixture so that you and your guest can add a little to your slider and serve on the little Hawaiian rolls with your choice of condiments.

As always this is just a basic recipe to get you started you can change it however you want to make it one of your favorite meals. So that is all for now eat and enjoy some delicious chicken sliders!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Chicken, Susage and Tortilla Stoup

I think that one of the easiest things to learn how to cook when you are a beginner or a on the go college student is soups. With a soup you pick out the ingredients throw them in a pot and let the flavors flow. Soups are also a delicious and well freezing item that you can later throw in your crock pot and have another night. Though let’s face it as easy and quick as soup is sometimes you just need something a little heartier than soup, maybe something like a stew?  Why not try a stoup? What’s a Stoup you say well it is a stew that is like a soup.  This is one of my favorite recipes to make a huge pot of because it freezes well and can be unthawed and slow cooked all night long. So here is the recipe and please eat and enjoy.
1 lb. chicken tenders
Salt and pepper
Turkey sausage
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
3 cloves of garlic diced
1 medium onion diced
6 small red potatoes diced
1 can of diced tomatoes
1 can of red kidney beans drained
2 teaspoons of hot sauce (optional)
1 quart of chicken stock
1 bag of tortilla chips
2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
Garnish with sour cream
Preheat a medium pan over a medium high heat.
Chop tenders into bite size pieces. Wash and season with salt and pepper. Dice turkey sausage.  Add olive oil and chicken to the pot. Lightly brown chicken 2 minutes then add sausage and garlic cook another 2 or three minutes.  Then add the onions and potatoes.  Cook 5 minutes and then stir in kidney beans, tomatoes and hot sauce.  Add Chicken stock and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are Tender 10-12 minutes.  Place in bowls and top with crushed tortilla chips, cheese and sour Cream.

         Also just as a reminder, I use turkey sausage but feel free to use whatever sausage appeals to your taste buds. On a side note remember the best part about cooking is that it is not an exact science feel free to take out and add your own ingredients and just because it calls for a certain amount does not mean that it has to be exact do it to yours and your family’s likings.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

soups that warm the heart and soul.

It’s another chilly day out in Michigan and so I thought I would continue with yesterday’s theme of foods that warm the soul.  I find that the best part about the fall is glorious soups, stews, stoups and chilies that you can make to help warm you up after a long day of work.  I know what you’re thinking homemade soup is going to take me hours to cook and I do not have the time for this but you’re wrong.  The best part about a homemade soup is that you can cook it in a pot for a couple of hours or you can throw the ingredients into your slow cooker while you’re at work and all you have to do is boil some water for the noodles.  I am going to share with you an easy recipe for delicious homemade soup that you will want to make over and over again.
1 whole chicken
1bag of Celery stalks
1 bag of carrots
1 medium onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 bay leave
Salt and pepper to taste
1 sprig of rosemary
1 or 2 chicken Boolean cubes

In a large pot add the whole chicken, bay leave, rosemary, 3 garlic cloves, half of the medium onion, 2 celery stocks cut in half, two carrots cut in thirds or half and salt and pepper. Fill the pot with water and let cook for 1 ½ to 2 hours. Cut the rest of your veggies and place in the fridge for later. Remove whole chicken and set in a cooking dish to cool to the touch. Using a slotted spoon remove the bay leave, rosemary, garlic cloves, onion, celery, and carrots. Discard the garlic, rosemary and bay leave. After your chicken has cooled remove it from bone shredding it as you go and place back into your homemade broth. Then add the rest of your veggies and let cook until your veggies are at the desired softness. Boil noodles of your choice and serve.

Make sure that you taste your broth and add salt if you need it. I recommend starting with a small amount of salt because you can always add salt you can’t take it out. Also you can also cook this dish in a crockpot just make sure that the veggies for your soup are cooked the night before and added just to warm up later that day.  You can also serve this dish with some fresh parmesan cheese, crackers and some homemade bread.